The Lord Of Myself

Twinkle, twinkle little star...!! Shoot for the stars, even if you miss those you'll reach the moon.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Time is the single most valuable thing for simply one reason - you can't buy it! You can't get more of it and you won't be able to retrieve it once you lost it. And, the only noble chance given to us to achieve, to enjoy& to accomplish is by effectively utilising the time. All this might sound as a cliche and there is lotta stuff on time-management, and I've watched few of those videos myself before. Unfortunately, they didn't work for me because I didn't make those tips work.

I believe anything you read you should first personalize the learnings and then use those. Along these lines, I devised my own way to manage my time. The first important thing is to know your goals, and to write them down. Naturally, they should be measurable. Don't have a laundry list of goals, instead choose 3 to 5 of your aspirations (Short-term goals) and prioritize those.

Second, identify how you spend your time on a typical day. It goes without saying that you can correct only those which you can track and measure. Record all the activities that you do during the day and the time spent on those. I know this is time-consuming effort, but you've to do it only once or twice to get an idea where you spend most of your time.

Third, classify all your activities into four categories - A, B, C, D. How?
'A' activities directly contribute towards your goal.
'B' activities include your mandatory/daily activities.
'C' activities include the things which you do for fun/balance
'D' activities are those unnecessary things which neither contribute to your goals nor provide the fun/balance part.
These activities and their corresponding categories vary from individual to individual, and the onus is on them to get those right.

Last step is the most crucial one - Discipine yourself to spend 80% of your time on 'A' activities, 15% on 'B', 5% on 'C', and completely avoid D activities. (These percentages to an extent also depend on how immediately you want to achieve your goals. And you must not skip any of these steps)


P.S: I will let you know how i am doing 'this way' in a month's time..!!


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